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Empowering Children in Need

Since 2005, The Syliah Volmar Foundation is dedicated to empowering the youth in city of Ouanaminthe, Haiti. We firmly believe that education serves as the cornerstone for breaking the perpetual chains of poverty.

Through our concerted efforts, we provide comprehensive support. From covering tuition fees to supplying essential educational materials such as books, uniforms, and vital school supplies, we ensure that no child is denied access to quality education due to financial constraints.

Join us today and be a part of something truly meaningful. Together, we can change lives.


Focusing on Children's Needs

The Syliah Volmar Foundation is a New York-based, licensed 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit established in 2005 as a legacy to Syliah Volmar, who at age six was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy, a pediatric heart disease remedied only by heart transplantation. Syliah’s condition was so dire, however, she didn’t live long enough to receive a new heart; she lived only six months after being diagnosed.


Syliah was the loving child of Dr. Louis E. Volmar and Huguette Volmar, R.N. At the time of Syliah’s diagnosis, they and their huge extended family turned to prayer and reflection. Everyone took the lead from Syliah in turning to love of God and each other because Syliah was the best representative of both.


After traversing the devastating period of mourning upon Syliah’s passing, the family was adamant in finding a productive way to keep Syliah’s exuberant personality and positive spirit alive. It was decided to create a mission-enhanced charity to benefit other children. The Volmars’ native country is Haiti and it was decided to focus on the very needy children in Haiti. The need for education of Haiti’s children became the paramount target of the Volmars’ charity. The education provided in Haiti is also faith-based. The Foundation funds the cost of school tuition, books, uniforms, food and other school related expenses.


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